Saturday , March 22 2025
Palestine Update Resources

SSM Newsletter: Hands Off Syria!‏



Hands off Syria!

Dear supporter of Syria,

The Syria Solidarity Movement is one of many groups working for justice in Syria, not all with the same vision.  This is as it should be in a democratic movement that respects different points of view.

However, we know that there are also groups that are working against justice and democracy.  For the most part, they consist of western foreign powers and Arab monarchies that see an advantage in destroying Syria as an integral, sovereign state and as a society.  The Syria Solidarity Movement therefore supports the removal of thousands of non-Syrian fighters as the first order of business, without which a settlement amongst Syrians is unlikely if not impossible. 

In the meantime, we will continue to bring news and information not widely represented in the Western media, and to advocate for an end to outside interference, the removal of foreign arms, funding, logistic support and fighters from the Syrian struggle, and for humanitarian support for the millions of Syrians displaced and suffering because of the fighting.  Only the Syrian people can decide their affairs and chart a way for a better future.

We welcome your support in this important work.

The SSM Steering Committee

NEWS from and about the Syria Solidarity Movement:
Following the SSM statement on Yarmouk, we are thankful that food and medicine has reached the civilian population there and that hundreds of civilians have been permitted to leave the camp.  Neither the supplies nor the evacuation have been enough, but some degree of cooperation from both the Syrian government and the opposition fighters has prevented a potential humanitarian catastrophe for the moment.  We continue to advocate for further relief and to assist in sending supplies through our contacts in Mussalaha.

We wish to bring your attention to the participation of Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire in the Women Lead to Peace Summit in Geneva.  Her powerful message delivered to the participants deserves a close read.

Religious and cultural leaders worldwide are planning a Pilgrimage to Syria in April, 2014.  The SSM intends to send its own delegation in order to improve the prospects of a global movement to end outside intervention in Syria.  We will have more information about this initiative as plans develop.

Later in the year, we propose to have a North America conference or possibly separate US and Canadian conferences to bring together supporters of an independent Syria, free of foreign intervention and opposed to efforts by Western and regional powers to impose their will upon the people of Syria.

In addition, we hope to bring additional Syrian voices to speak in North America, as did Mother Agnes Mariam of the Cross in November and December, 2013, and possibly a return of Mother Agnes herself.

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