Friday , October 4 2024
Palestine Update Resources

Syrian American Council allies with Congressional Zionist

It is no secret that the Syrian Solidarity Movement opposes the efforts of the Syrian American Council (SAC) and allied groups to promote military intervention by the U.S. and other foreign powers in the internal affairs of Syria.

When we coordinated the Nov-December tour of North America by Mother Agnes, Syrian American Council was active in hounding host organizations and venues including churches, peace centers and mosques. They tried but failed to stop this tour which promoted local ceasefires and  nonviolent reconciliation among all Syrians, both opposition and government.

Now we observe that SAC has further aligned itself with the opponents of peace, reconciliation and justice in the Middle East. They have in effect made common cause with Israel by inviting and featuring the pro-Zionist U.S. Member of Congress Eliot Engel at their March 15 conference in Washington, DC.

Engel has said, “I remain committed to the unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel. Not only are the U.S. and Israel close strategic allies in the dangerous Middle East, but we have a great deal in common. We are democracies and nations of immigrants from all corners of the globe. We are proud to embrace the highest ideals in our laws and policies… I firmly believe that we must stand with our ally, Israel, as it faces a variety of threats and challenges….”

The Syrian American Council is again revealing the true nature of its advocacy:  promoting aggression, war and occupation in league with the US/Nato, Gulf monarchies and Israel.

-The Syria Solidarity Steering Committee

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