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Take this action now to prevent war with Syria

March 14, 2014
Dear Friends of Peace in Syria,
As we approach the March 15 end of the third year of deadly conflict in Syria, some organizations are pushing for greater US intervention and escalation of the conflict. They have organized a concerted lobbying campaign in the halls of Congress along with public demonstrations and publicity. They are well funded and have professional lobbyists and marketing consultants.
We believe it is important to speak out and make clear that the people calling for more war and aggression are a MINORITY. They do not speak for the majority of Syrian and Arab Americans who want the conflict and bloodshed to end, not escalate.  They certainly do not speak for the majority of Americans who are sick of US wars and intervention.
We are launching a telephone campaign to the offices of influential House and Senate members over the coming week, starting Friday March 14 and continuing through to Friday March 21.
We invite you to join us and to phone several key members of Senate and House listed below,  as well as your own Representative and Senators.
We can politely but firmly ask such questions as:
* Why is the US continuing to spend our tax dollars to arm, train and pay Syrian rebels, effectively turning them into paid mercenaries?   
* Why are we allied with al-Qaeda and trying to force regime change on a secular government that has done no harm to the United States?
* Why don’t we support UNCONDITIONAL negotiations, rather than demanding unacceptable conditions before the negotiations begin?
We have seen how in Libya the “no fly zone” and “humanitarian support” turned into unending violence and an attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission.  Let us express our strong opposition to this.
Please phone your own members of Congress and some of the key members listed below.
Choose your own points from the above or express your own viewpoint.
Peace in Syria depends on stopping foreign aggression and attacks. We can stop unnecessary, foolish, expensive and wasteful U.S. intervention!
Name / Party/Camber/ Committee/ Phone/ Legislative Aide to Talk with
Frank Wolf (Va) / R / House/Religious Minorities / 202-225-5136 / Jill Shatzen
Ann Eshoo (Ca) / D / House/ Religious Minorities / 202-225-8104 / Hannah Murphy
Robert Menendez (NJ) / D / Senate / Chair For Relations / 202-224-4744 / Patricia Enright
Carl Levin (Mi) / D / Senate / Chair Armed Services / 202-224-6221 / Jack Danielson
Tim Kaine (Va) / D / Senate / For Relations / 202-224-4024 / Mary Naylor
Louis Gohmert (Tx) /  R / House / Christian /  202-225-3035 / Kimberly Willingham
Elliot Engel (NY) / D / House / Ranking For Affairs / 202-225-2464 / Mira Resnick
Bob Corker (Tenn) / R /  Senate / Vice Chair For Rels / 202-224-3344 / Laura Herzog
Ed Royce (Ca) / R / House / Chair For Affairs / 202-225-4111 / Chelsea Wilson
Howard “Buck” McKeon (Ca) / R / House / Ranking Armed Services / 202-225-1956 / Ashley Schapitl


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