Wednesday , December 18 2024
Palestine Update Resources

A shift in the approved view of Syria?

Dear Friends,

We wish to draw your attention to a potentially important article in Foreign Policy.

It is in fact only a review or preview of a potentially important unpublished report on Syria by journalist Nir Rosen. 

What makes the preview and the report important is not so much that the analysis and information is new.  The Syria Solidarity Movement website has been full of such material, as have alternative online publications like Counterpunch, Dissident Voice, Global Research and Information Clearinghouse, as well as the RT and Press TV news services.  Rather, the importance is its serious treatment by a mainstream publication like Foreign Policy.

It is unfortunately still the case that information and analysis is often judged by who says it rather than what is said.  Nevertheless, it is important when centers of power begin to pay attention or to shift their views for other reasons. 

Does the Foreign Policy article indicate such a shift?  It is too early to say.  It is possibly a trial balloon.  Why has the Rosen report itself not been made available?  Such questions are intriguing, but if this is the beginning of a change in the “official” view toward Syria and a potential change in policy, it is possibly one of the most hopeful signs for an end to the Syrian nightmare.

Syria Solidarity Movement


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