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Stop the Destruction of Syria, Iraq and the Middle East!

May 24nd  2015, SiriaPax

The undersigned Associations which have been following the crisis in Syria from up close have long been documenting this state of affairs. Today as we get nearer and nearer to the “point of no return” we wish to ask the questions that governments and the mainstream press are carefully avoiding (with the mainstream press having become the echo of the people in power rather than a guarantee of democracy). We appeal to al the honest people of the world, whatever their political affiliation and religious creed. Now that “the King is naked” and there is no longer any excuse to hide behind.

Help us. Lift up  your voice about all this, so as to force our Western governments to justify theit immoral behavior

Help us halt these devastating policies which only satisfy the alliances of the Arab countries that produce oil (based on their economic gain) and aim at building a world whose ruins are already before our very eyes and attest that it is not going to be made of peace and justice.

.We can not be silent. No one can be silent.

Coordinamento Nazionale per la pace in Siria

Is the apparent inability of the self-defined “international anti-Isis coalition” to confront the advance of the terrorist formation in Syria and Iraq actually the effect of a willed strategy? Interior Secretary Angelino Alfano has said to Parliament: “We are a part of the great Western community which knows best how to fight terrorism”. His words should have been “the Western community which knows how best to help terrorism.”.

In Iraq, why didn’t the so-called anti-Isis coalition bombers manage to halt a highly visible motorcade of armed terrorists as it crossed the Iraqi desert in the province of Anbar (see photos   Why did the U.S. tell the Iraqi government to place the Shiite anti-Isis militia in the rear of the fight, just like it had in Tikrit? (

Why can’t the West see what is going on in Palmyra and in so many other parts of Syria, where the advancing terrorists leave a  host of sectarian murders in their wake ? What can’t it see that if the jihadis capture the country, the butchering will spread everywhere, in unimaginable proportions? There will soon be nowhere to run. The only remaining force capable of averting this outcome is the Syrian army, which is in grave difficulty due to the lack of supplies and reinforcements.

We therefore beg the governments involved to let reason prevail. We need to set aside all political considerations and see to it that human life is preserved: the danger is not just a danger to Syrians, it is a risk to all, a danger hovering over us all, in our different countries. We need to expel from our agenda the “non solution” of overthrowing the Syrian government, which has been overtaken by events,  yet is still goal No.1 for the stubborn Western coalition and the Arab monarchies on the Gulf.

The efforts of the Syrian government must be supported, not boycotted.

Why does the West insist on weakening the Syrian army, which is fighting Isis? Why is it training the armed islamist groups – as the U.S. is doing in Turkey and Jordan with the coalition of salafites, al Nusra, Muslim Brotherhood called the Army of Conquest, which controls Idlib (

Why doesn’t the West stop colluding directly and indirectly with the jihadi forces in Syria and Iraq, where several members of the coalition (Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, the United States) continue to support the advance of terrorist groups by supplying them with arms and money, training them and letting them through their borders (

Why does the self-defined “Working group against the financing of the Islamic State” presided over by Saudi Arabia, Italy and the U.S., do nothing ( ? It was supposed to work on stopping the exploitation of the resources (oil, archeological finds, bank deposits) and the flow of money from abroad (donations or ransomes ). Have they done the opposite? Isis gets whatever it wants and “exports” oil. To whom?

Why has no one opposed the bombing of Yemen by Saudi Arabia which has caused so many civilian deaths and enormous damages, helping the spread of al Qaeda influence? Why do we stand by as accomplices to the destruction of entire countries?

Why does the self-defined anti-Daesh Coalition gather together all the godfathers of al the al-Qaedas, countires which have fostered, protected, reinforced and politically facilitated the terrorist groups? Initially with the Bush Administration’s war in Iraq ( then with Nato’s attack on Libya, and then with the support of the Syrian “rebels”. Saudi Arabia, in the very words of the former US ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford (, practically founded – with US consent – ISIS in the region to destabilize Syria and Iraq, being allies of Iran (and look where the US is viz Iran today…).

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