Wednesday , March 19 2025
Palestine Update Resources

Detached ‘Leftist’ academics, notably Gilbert Achcar, paint mercenary killers as freedom-loving liberals [RADIO INTERVIEW]

Jan 11, 2016, Taylor Report

Stephen Gowans, political analyst and speaker, socialist historian, logician.

Click HERE to listen

What they sell you on Syria is different from what internal U.S. documents say.

It isn’t Sunni vs. Shia in Syria: most Sunnis fight on the side of the government, against jihadist mercenaries from 100 countries.

U.S. documents acknowledge the ‘rebels’ lack support on the ground in Syria, with Bashar Al-Assad as the leading popular figure. There are no ‘moderate’ opposition fighters, and the opposition is constructed by the U.S. government.

The CIA trained 10,000 fighter-advisors who went into Syria and became enmeshed with the most virulent extremist organizations in the entire world, including Al-Qaeda. The U.S. has also admitted ISIS’ usefulness in weakening the Syrian government.

Opposition to the ongoing and illegal U.S. intervention in Syria should be a no-brainer for activists in the West, but too many have drunk the ‘Syrian rebel’ Kool-Aid.


US Role as State Sponsor of Terrorism Implied in US Congressional Research Service Report on Syria Conflict, Jan 10, 2016, Stephen Gowans, What’s Left

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