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Turkish and US Forces Out of Syria Now!

January  21, 2018
Turkey today announced a military incursion  whose stated aim is to push back armed Kurdish forces along its southern border with Syria and to create a 30 mile buffer zone inside of Syria.
The Syria Solidarity Movement® objects strongly to this aggressive and unlawful Turkish move and calls for the immediate withdrawal of Turkish troops from Syria.
We have also noted in a recent statement that the USA has also declared its intention indefinitely to occupy the part of Syria east of the Euphrates River and to garrison it with a new proxy army of 30,000 recycled terrorists fighters.
The Syria Solidarity Movement® wishes to draw to the attention of governments, international bodies, such as the UN, peace organizations, and people of good will around the world that the USA and Turkey are violating international law by their reckless actions and must withdraw their forces forthwith from Syrian national territory.  Syria’s sovereignty, and indeed the sovereignty of all countries, must be respected at all times.
Attempts to balkanize Syria by either Turkey and/or the USA  are completely unacceptable. And such attempts to fragment a nation-state, and longtime member-state of the United Nations, could easily led to a wider regional war and even draw the great powers into a global conflagration.
To this end, we urge individuals, organizations, and governments to take appropriate action to pressure both the USA and Turkey to abandon their illegal occupations of Syria and to re-establish full diplomatic relations with the legitimate government of Syria in Damascus.
The Syria Solidarity Movement
ILLEGAL USE OF OUR NAME:  Some groups are illegally using our name, resulting in a misrepresentation of who we are.  We wish to caution all persons and organizations against the fraudulent use of our name, even if published in good faith as a result of information provided by third parties. We would not wish anyone to unnecessarily incur liability by inadvertently participating in this fraud.
Please visit our website for breaking stories and analysis:
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All donations are US tax exempt.

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