Sunday , December 22 2024
Palestine Update Resources

The Taylor Report: Zafar Bangash on Iraq and Syria

Zafar Bangash By Joshua Sherurcij, Attribution

On October 7, The Taylor Report, a weekly radio show on CUIT 89.5 in Toronto, interviewed Zafar Bangash, editor of Crescent International, about Trump’s dramatic announcement of a U.S. troop withdrawal from Syria. In addition, Phil questions Bangash about the street demonstrations and rioting in Iraq’s capital, Baghdad. According to Bangash, observers in the streets of Baghdad report that snipers are firing on both police and demonstrators, in exactly the same manner as snipers did in 2011 in Daraa, Syria, at the beginning of the war, (and as they did in Ukraine’s Maidan Square in 2014, we might add). The sniper’s purpose is to escalate the conflict into a regime-change operation. A catalyst for these riots occurred when the Iraqi Prime Minister demoted a top Iraqi general who was being touted by the USA as a coup leader for Iraq. Zafar also describes an attack on the Iranian consulate in Basra. The purpose behind it was to foment sectarian violence between Sunni and Shi’a.

Listen to the interview below:

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