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Syrian Permanent Representative to the UN Calls Out Western Critics Russia’s Special Operation in Ukraine

Remarks of the Syrian permanent representative to the UN, following the 2-hour Russian presentation at the UN Security Council on May 6, 2022, concerning Ukrainian war crimes during the current crisis.  The Russians presented numerous commentaries from civilians in Eastern Ukraine and Journalists working there.   Most of the representatives on the Security Council who responded read speeches prepared before the meeting and were dismissive of the evidence presented.        https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1p/k1pvngjn8e

The Syrian Ambassador called out savage US attacks on distant countries like Syria and Ukraine.

SYRIA: “Thank you. Mr. Chair. My delegation, the Syrian Arab Republic, thanks the permanent representative of the Russian Federation for organizing this important meeting, which provides an opportunity for the member states to realize the truth of what is happening in Ukraine, and expose the false allegations and misleading whistling campaigns, aimed at harming the Russian Federation. I would also like to thank the briefers for the valuable information provided. My delegation condemns the orchestrated campaign launch and by Western countries and their media arms against the Russian Federation, which includes the dissemination of disinformation, false accusations, fabricated photos and video, aimed at undermining the legitimate right of the Russian Federation to ward off threats to the security of its people, as guaranteed by the UN Charter.

The paradox is that the countries that wage their hostile campaign against the Russian Federation today and criticize its defense of its security against threats existing on its direct borders, are the same countries that have launched barbaric, aggressive acts targeting member states that are thousands of miles far away and don’t pose any direct or indirect threats, under the false pretext of defending their National Security. These countries destroy entire cities and killed thousands of civilians, as was the case with the Syrian city of Raqqa and Al-Baghuz area. The Western approach towards the special military operation in Ukraine is an example of the selective and double standard policies used by the United States and its NATO allies as these countries have ignored the discriminatory and inhumane practices of Kiev authorities against the people of Donetsk and Luhansk and their continuous suffering, for 8 years since the coup in Ukraine in 2014.

Not only that, but those countries violated the [? indistinct] they made to the Russian Federation three decades ago. And so, to extend NATO to the east, to threaten Russian national security. They also deliberately fuel tension and turn Ukraine into a battlefield with Russia by supporting Kiev authorities with weapons and foreign fighters in a manner similar to the sending thousands of foreign terrorist fighters to spread chaos and destruction in Syria. My delegation strongly condemns the violations of the rules of the international humanitarian law, by the Ukrainian armed forces, and the national paramilitary battalions and calls on them to refrain from using civilians as human shields, and to desist from their crimes, as worsening the humanitarian situation. My country appreciates the efforts of the Russian Federation to achieve stability, ensure the safety and security of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples, host hundreds of thousands of refugees. ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid, and provide safe corridors for civilians. Thank you. Mr. Chair.”

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