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Fra Hughes with 'Axis of Resistance' Cup manufactured in Syria and Syrian Flag.

Ode to Syria on the Eve of Rebirth

by Fra Hughes, January 13, 2023

It’s hard to believe the war on Syria started 12 years ago in 2011.

Not so hard to believe perhaps for the people living under the hardships they are enduring for a foreign inspired, funded, trained and armed regime change operation, culminating in the theft of Syria’s national resources of oil and wheat.

An illegal covert war declared on the Syrian Arab Republic by the enemies of freedom, the imperialist west and its attack dog in West Asia, the rogue apartheid regime of Israel.

The illegal unilateral  coercive sanctions that reduce food and fuel supplies to Syrian society, which are in abundant supply, being redirected out of Syria with the connivance of the Kurds, into Iraq and further a field to be sold for profit.

While the Syrian people starve and have domestic and commercial restrictions placed on their energy consumption some one, some where is making vast obscene amounts of money on the back of the sufferings of Syrian society.

The sanctions are not only illegal; they are barbaric and they are immoral.

The war on Syria which followed a well worn path of provocation followed by demonstrations which are then used to cover acts of wanton violence and murder of state officials, giving rise to a narrative of state repression followed by spontaneous revolution.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

These violent uprisings are well coordinated meticulously planned armed and  financed while given political cover by the west.

Another dictator to be overthrown by the people or another regime change operation to remove a government and president who refuses to subject their economy to privatisation by Western corporation’s and to have their national assets stolen for profit by Anglo American oil and gas companies because believe me that is the bottom line.

Neo colonialism via financial occupation via ,the IMF ,World Bank etc, rather than military occupation of the state is the desired outcome.

I have met President Bashar Al Assad twice.  On one occasion he informed us that the American administration threatened him with war if Syria didn’t fall into line behind their policy in the region?

I said “Mr President, you are a very brave man. Many leaders would have fled putting their own lives before those of their people , but you stayed to protect the Republic”, I said that in 2017 and I stand by it today.

I gave him a copy of my book, “My Walk with Palestine” in 2019.

With a potential rapprochement with Turkey on the horizon in 2023, perhaps a light can be seen at the end the end of the tunnel.

America has no friends, no allies, no coalition of the willing.  It has a series of lesser nations that it bullies and threatens into compliance.

One simple word and friends and foe fall into line alike, ‘Sanctions‘.

Personal, economic, regional, and  national sanctions, and that’s before we even mention the 800+ officially declared American military occupation bases strategically stationed through out the world.

America and its evil accomplices have failed to defeat Syria thanks In part due the cooperation of Iran, Hezbollah and Russia.

The Axis of Resistance, strengthened and fertilised with the blood of the Iranian national hero Lt General Qassem Soleimani, might yet fully  liberate Syria

America has succeeded in balkanising Syria with the treacherous help of the ‘socialist kurds’, who accept imperialist protection from America and Israel as the price of their autonomy in Syria; while in Iraqi Kurdistan they are building a second Israel complete with Zionist American and European military advisers; while they use the Kurdish region bordering Iran to send murderers and terrorists into Iran to foment civil war.

Once the price of extracting the oil and wheat from Syria becomes too high the Americans will leave.  it is, after all, their main interest now .

Once the Americans leave, the Kurds will fold like a house of cards. And Syria can once again take its place at the forefront of the Axis of Resistance.

End the war on Syria now !
End the sanctions now !
End the proxy Nato wars !

Peace, liberty, freedom and full national sovereignty should be the bywords for Syria in 2023.

When we are denied our liberty, our right to national self determination, our right to the profits from our labour and the national resources which rightly belong to us, we are indeed slaves.

For 12 years Syria has been shackled and chained, weighed down by the overlords of western imperialism, beaten and brutalised.

Slaves from Spartacus to Frederick Douglass have had to fight for their freedom .

Syria is no different, and like Spartacus and Frederick Douglass, Syrians long to feel the sun on their faces and breathe in the fresh air of freedom.

Fra Hughes is an Irish Journalist, Author and Activist who has traveled to Syria several times.

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