Monday , March 17 2025
Palestine Update Resources
eighteen-year-old AHED TAMIMI behind the banner at the front of last Saturday's 10,000 strong march in central London to mark Nakba Day

The Palestine Statement Against Genocide, for Liberation and Return

from the International Critical Geographies Group, November 11, 2021

This Statement was written a month ago, but it is excellent and covers all aspects.  There is a link to sign at the bottom if you agree with this stance.  [SSM Editor]

As geographers, scholars, activists, organisers, artists, workers and communities committed to social justice, we refuse to remain silent in the face of Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people and we stand in unwavering solidarity with Palestine.

We condemn the Israeli slaughter, displacement, imprisonment, and dehumanization of Palestinian life, from the river to the sea. This brutal offensive is being carried out with the complicity of governments across the Global North and South, and it is a textbook case of collective punishment and genocide in violation of international conventions on war and human rights.

As the Israeli offensive in Gaza enters its second month, we are horrified by and condemn the more than 10,000 Palestinians murdered and 25,000 others injured and maimed; 1,5 million people displaced; the ruination of half of the total residential homes as well as the destruction of hospitals, universities, schools and places of worship, the destruction of vital infrastructure such as water and energy ahead of winter, and the destruction of farms, livestock, soils and biodiversity, with long-lasting ecological consequences. Equally, we condemn the escalated siege imposed by Israel and Egypt, which cut off Palestinians from water, food, medical supplies, electricity, fuel, and communications in violation of international humanitarian law.

We are deeply concerned about Palestinians in the West Bank. Israel has imposed a lockdown further depriving freedom of movement and vital access to supplies, services and livelihoods. Since the war erupted, 183 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army and settler militias. Another two thousand have been arrested and a thousand more have been forcibly displaced from their lands. Daily raids by the Israeli army terrorize the population and destroy critical infrastructures in cities and refugee camps across the West Bank. Palestinians in Jerusalem and those who are citizens of Israel are being arrested, dismissed from their jobs, legally prosecuted and threatened for expressing solidarity with their kin. Israel is also holding more than ten thousand Palestinian political prisoners in appalling conditions who, as documented by several human rights groups, are suffering from beatings, tortures, medicine withdrawals and death in custody.

Despite the unprecedented intensity and scale of the current violence and devastation, these Israeli attacks are in no way new. Before October 7th, 179 Palestinians had been killed and 683 injured by Israelis in 2023 alone, making it the deadliest year in two decades. This latest Israeli attack is the 6th large scale assault on Gaza since Israel imposed a siege in 2006. There is a long history of Palestinian dispossession at play here. For more than a century, Palestinians have endured the criminal violence of imperialism, settler colonialism, and apartheid. This has been thoroughly and painstakingly documented in scholarship, civil society reports and UN resolutions, Palestinians do not exist in a vacuum.

All life is sacred. We also recognize that the violence of the oppressed is a response to the condition of their oppression. However as indicated by the International Court of Justice in 2004, Israel’s right to self-defense is not applicable in the context of their colonial occupation. Equally, according to UN Resolution 2625, Palestinians have a legitimate right to resist colonial domination, apartheid and foreign occupation by all available means, within the boundaries of international law.

We reject any and all conflation of criticism of the Israeli state or Zionism with anti-Semitism. The accusation of antisemitism, particularly the new definition by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), has proven to be an effective means to silence and punish critics of Israel. False charges of antisemitism have been levied against academics and civil rights activists calling attention to the plight of Palestinians. We recognize anti-zionism as a legitimate stance against a nationalist, settler colonial and racist political movement and ideology premised on the subjugation, dispossession and erasure of Palestinians. We refuse to be part of a weaponization of antisemitism which tears apart communities and a united front against all forms of racism.

We denounce the increasing governmental, institutional and legislative criminalisation of those who express solidarity with and demand accountability for the violation of Palestinian’s rights in all countries. Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States are leading the charge in sanctioning, silencing, incarcerating and punishing those who speak out against their complicity, financial, military and political support of Israel. We warn that this backlash will become a boomerang. The curtailment of the basic rights to protest, organize, associate, speak and think as well as the ongoing deplatforming of scholars, artists, activists and workers is a violation of our basic rights and responsibilities to speak, write and disseminate the historical truth. This repression may have a chilling effect on our individual and collective freedoms to speak and organize for social justice but it will not stop us.

We condemn the unprecedented corporate censorship, alarming levels of disinformation and hate speech across traditional and social media platforms which are dehumanizing, targeting and silencing Palestinian voices through unethical and biased reporting, discriminatory content moderation and shadow banning.

We salute Palestinian parents, frontline health workers, journalists, bakers, fisherfolk, infrastructure maintainers and all workers and carers who are enduring and resisting the everyday horrors of genocide.

We applaud South Africa and Bolivia for severing all ties with Israel and salute the hundreds of thousands taking to the streets across the Global South and North in internationalist solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation. Equally, we stand with all forms of labor organizing, protests and direct actions which are targeting the logistical infrastructures and supply chains that enable the imperial war machine, from the blocking of ships, planes and trains to the disruption of the military industrial complex.

We also see and take inspiration from the courage of migrant, diasporic and exiled communities who are organizing and speaking out against the genocide in Palestine despite the risks of arrest, suspension of resident permits, home raids and deportation.

In heeding the urgent call for solidarity from our Palestinian allies and joining millions globally, we demand an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip that puts an end to the killings, displacements and destruction of Palestinian people, places and homes by the Israeli government.

We demand an end to the genocide against the Palestinian people, from the river to the sea. We call for accountability for the crimes of the State of Israel and its financiers, enablers and allies. Never again means never again, for Palestinians and everyone without exception.

We reject a return to the previous everyday violent status quo and demand an end to settler colonial occupation and apartheid for the implementation of the Palestinian inalienable rights to self-determination and return.

Drawing on the International Critical Geographies Group’ statement of purpose “A World to Win!” and on the 2015 resolution passed in Ramallah during the 7th ICCG, we call on geographers, scholars, activists, artists, organizers, workers and people of conscience to reinvigorate internationalist efforts to implement the Palestinian call to promote boycotts, divestments, and economic sanctions against Israel until it complies with international law.

Finally, we call on colleagues and comrades to mobilize against the criminalisation and censorship of all things Palestinian which have turned our institutions, academic or otherwise, into spaces of intimidation and fear. We call on you to continue speaking up, to organise in your workplaces through unionizing, direct actions, statements, dialogues, teach-ins, screenings as well as collaborations and support of our Palestinian colleagues until we put an end to the genocide and Palestine is free.

11 November, 2023. International Critical Geographies Group

To add your name to this statement, the Form is accessible here:

List of the first 1,000 signatories in alphabetical order, including those who have requested to withhold their names for fear of reprisals (16/11/23)


Aaron Katzeman Haim Bresheeh-Zabner Nick Rose
Abaher El Sakka Hala Abdel Malak Nicola Ansell
Abdelkrim Zemzari Hala Shoman Nicolás Palacios
Abdi Ismail Samatar Hamed Imam Nicolas Parent
AbdouMaliq Simone Hamid Dabashi Nida Rehman
Abidin Kusno Hanieh Molana Nikolai Karpatsky
Abou Farman Haniyeh Beiraghdar Nikos Kapitsinis
Abraham Zahavi Hara Kouki Nilanjana Patra
Adail Ubirajara Sobral Harbans Mukhia Nilüfer Bulut
Adam Hanieh Harry Pettit Nipesh Palat Narayanan
Adeline Rosenstein Hashem Abushama Nithya Natarajan
Adrian Nel Heather Mclean Noah Cannon
Adriana Casasola Rojas Heather Scott Noemi Alfieri
Adriana Coronado Rioja Heather Tucker Nora Akawi
Aghaghia Rahimzadeh Hedda Askland Norma Rantisi
Agustin Velloso Santisteban Helen Adams Nour Joudah
Ahmed Ghodieh Helen V. Pritchard Noura Alkhalili
Aída Guhlincozzi Helga Baumgarten Noureddine Amara
Aikaterini Anastasiou Helga Tawil Souri Nur Masalha
Aikaterini Sideri Hiba Bou Akar Ohoud Kamal
Aino Korvensyrjä Himmat Zoubi Olcay Bingol
Akio Onjo Hira Saud Olga Antonousaki
Alaa Shehabi Hussein Jawad Ali Olga Charpidou
Alanna Higgins Ian Klinke Olga Lafazani
Albert Arias Sans Ilan Kapoor Oli Mould
Alberto Hijar Serrano Ilaria Giglioli Olivia Mason
Alberto Toscano Ilenia Iengo Omar Francisco Rösler
Alborz Habibi Imaan Mansoor Maftah Omar Jabary Salamanca
Alejandro Armas Díaz Indraneel Dasgupta Omer Aijazi
Alejandro Armas-Díaz Inés Muñozcano Oskar Keogh
Alejandro De Coss Ipsita Chatterjee Owen Harrington
Alex Rossiter Irem Aydemir Pandora Long
Alexakis Dimitris Irène Dupuis Paola Bacchetta
Alexandra Zavvou (Zavos) Irene Escorihuela Blasco Paola Minoia
Ali Nobil Ahmad Irene Leonardelli Paolo Novak
Alice Corble Irene Molina Paolo Sh Favero
Aliki Tzouvara Irina Kant Parastou Saberi
Alina-Sandra Cucu Irini Ampoumogli Paris Yeros
Alise Alise Svandere Irmgard Emmelhainz Parisa Nasrabadi
Alma Laakso Isabel Ramirez Parvathy Binoy
Altha Cravey Ishraq A M Othman Patrícia Alves de Matos
Amal Juma Wehda Ismat Sheriff Patrick Barnholden
Aman Luthra Isye Susana Nurhasanah Patrick Bond
Amany Khalifa Itziar Ruiz-Gimenez Arrieta Patrick Bresnihan
Amardeep Kaur Ivan Murray Mas Patrick Lewis
Amelie Huber Iyas Abu-Hajiar Patrick Reinsborough
Amin Shahraki Izzah Minhas Paula J. Hernández Cerda
Amirah Shaikh J. Manuel Duque Paulo Jorge Pinto Raposo
Amirhossein Firozi Jack Norton Pedro López López
Ammu Abraham Jad Isaac Pedro Urquijo Torres
Ana Daniela Dresler Jaime Díaz Pacheco Penny Koutrolikou
Ana Garzón Sabogal Jaime Jover Pernille Maria Bärnheim
Ana Ivasiuc Jaime Paneque-Gálvez Pervin Yanikkaya Aydemir
Ana Laura Burgos Jairo I. Fúnez-Flores Peter Hossler
Ana Luz Valadez Ortega Jamil Hilal Peter Walsh
Ana Mainer Martin Jan Lim Peyman Rouhi
Ana Vilenica Jan Orbie Philipp Horn
Ananda Fick Jana Tsoneva Philipp Zehmisch
Anas Ismail Janan Mousa Philippe C. Foret
André Carmo Jane Quin Pieter Van den Broeck
Andre Ortega Janneke Weidema Pilar Morena d’Alò
André Pasti Jasbir K. Puar Polly Pallister-Wilkins
Andrea Buchetti Jasmin Zine Pouya Valizadeh
Andrea Di Bernardo Javed Kaisar Praveen Jha
Andrea Lara-Garcia Javier Rodríguez Ros Premilla Nadasen
Andrea Marston Jawida Mansour Pritha Paul
Andrea Nightingale Jayson J Funke Punam Khosla
Andrés Sarabia Jean Francois Mas Pushpa S
Andrew Burridge Jean Léon Boucher R Gangadhara
Andros Zins-Browne Jeff Halper Rachel Goffe
Andy Clarno Jen Jack Gieseking Rachel Hackler
Angela Smith Jenna Rose Rachele Fortuni
Angeliki Sifaki Jennifer Casolo Rafael R Díaz Torres
Anitra Nelson Jennifer L Tucker Rafaella Lima
Aniyan PV Jens Haendeler Rafeef Ziadah
Anjali Mehta Jérémie Voirol Rahul Sinha
Ann Oberhauser Jeremy Auerbach Raju J Das
Anna Gil Bardaji Jeronimo Montero Bressan Randa Farah
Anna Kramer Jess Bier Ranjani Srinivasan
Anna Zalik Jesse Segura Ranu Basu
Anne Bouhali Jessica Budds Rashid Khalidi
Anne-Marie Debbané Jessica Collins-Bojovic Ratna Raman
Anneleen Kenis Jessica DiCarlo Ravibabu Manchala
Annie James Jessica Jacobs Razan Khalaf
Annie Liu Jessica McGarty Rebecca Ruth Gould
Antigoni Papageorgiou Jessie Stein Reem Cherif
Anton Vandevoorde Jessy Nassar Reem Shilleh
Antoni Mercader Jhelum Roy Reena Kukreja
Anustup Basu Jillian Rogin Rehab Nazzal
APIIDTT Joachim Ben Yakoub René Kreichauf
Archana Prasad Joan Otieno Rhys Machold
Arjun Gourisaria Joana Llinàs Serrahima Riaz Ahmad
Arkaprava Sengupta Joanne Bacon Ricardo Barbosa, Jr.
Arkoprovo Ghosh Joaquin Villanueva Richa Nagar
Arlene Davila Joe Bryan Richard Goulding
Arnab Bhattacharyya Joe Doherty Rita Maria Oliveira Calvário
Arshad Isakjee Johanna M. Lems Robin D. G. Kelley
Arun Kundnani John Considine Roghieh Dehghan
Arun Saldanha John Keys Roja Lotfinejad
Aruna Gnanadason Jon Cloke Roland Boer
Asher Gamedze Jonah Walters Romola Sanyal
Asli Zengin Jonathan Silver Ron Smith
Asma Hussain José Abu-Tarbush Ronit Lentin
Asoka Mendis Jouni Häkli Rory Rowan
Athena Athanasiou Jovana Timotijević Rosanna Maule
Audra Simpson Juan Carlos García Ellín Rosemary Collard
Aya Musmar Juanita Sundberg Roshila Nair
Ayat Hamdan Judith Burr Ruben Janze Lindberg
Ayeb Mounir Judith Tsouvalis Rukmini Rao
Ayham Dalal Juliette Billiet Runa Lazzarino
Azmeary Ferdoush Justin Podur Rupali Morzaria
Balbir Singh Butola Jyotsna Vaid Rupam Raja
Bárbara Azaola Piazza Kai Bosworth Ruth Wilson Gilmore
Basel Nasr Kalpana Kannabiran Sabira Versi-Manji
Bassam Haddad Kalpana Karunakaran Sachidanand Sinha
Beant Singh Kalyan Ray Sadia Agsous-Bienstein
Behrouz Babadi Kalyani Menon Sen Sadiq S. Habib
Belén Fernández Santos Kamala Menon Saed J. Abu-Hijleh
Ben Rogaly Kamila Torres Orellana Safeeda Hameed
Bengi Akbulut Kanishka Goonewardena Sagari R Ramdas
Benjamin Rubin Kareem Rabie Sahil Khan Warsi
Berenice Bento Karen Daniels Sahrish Khan
Bernardo Picichè Karim-Yassin Goessinger Saïdi Nordine
Beshr Sukkariyah Karine Lefebvre Sailaja Krishnamurti
Beverley Mullings Kassem Ahmad Saira Weiner
Bharati Sud Kate Lewis Hood Salene Schloffel-Armstrong
Bidisha Katharina Grueneisl Salvatore Engel-Dimauro
Birgul Kutan Katherine Sammler Samadhi Lipari
Blanca Rebeca Ramírez Kathleen McAfee Saman Nayal
Bob Ross Kathy Wazana Samer Abdelnour
Bobby Banerjee Katleen De Flander Sami Hermez
Bram De Smet Kavita Ramakrishnan Sami Zemni
Brecht De Smet Keith Woodward Samia Botmeh
Brenda Herbert Kelly Donati Samia Shannan
Brian Michael Napoletano Kendra McSweeney Samie Blasingame
Bridget Steffen Kendra Strauss Sanaa Alimia
Britain Hopkins Kendrick Manymules Sanaz Sohrabi
Brittany Cook Kenza Amara Hammou Sandra Fernández García
Brody Manquen Kevin Gould Sandy Heather
Bruce Brown Kevin Grove Sangeeta Banerji
Bruno Meeus Khalda El Jack Sara Doolittle Llanos
Caitlin Procter Kim Andreoli Sara Lagardien Abdullah
Camelia Badea Kiran Asher Sara Larijani
C.P Moreira Robottom Kirsi Pauliina Kallio Sara Melasecchi
Camilla Audia Kristine Juul Sarah Bibi-Rahim
Camilla Mevik Kristine Samson Sarah Bracke
Camilla Royle Kumkum Roy Sarah Cohen
Camillo Boano Laila Kadiwal Sarah DeGiorgis
Carina Jansen Lakshya Yog Sarah Fernandez
Carlota McAllister Laleh Khalili Sarah H.V de Sampaio
Caroline Keegan Lama Ghanem Sarah Scott
Caroline Reiter Lan Alexander Saswati Bose
Caterina Peroni Lara Khaldi Satyaki Bhattacharya
Cátia Goulart Lara Sarlak Saurabh Arora
Catriona Gold Lata Singh Sayantan Chattopadhyay
Céline Drieskens Laura Mijares Sayed Mjtaba Ishaki
Chan Richardson Laura Y. Liu Sbeih Sbeih
Chandra Talpade Mohanty Leah Montange Sébastien Caquard
Charles Fogelman Leanne Betasamosake Simpson Seham Hammad
Charlotte Al-Khalili Leen Al Faqih Semra Akay
Charlotte Epstein Leen Laenens Serena Olcuire
Charlotte María Sáenz Leigh-Ann Naidoo Shadab Bano
Chella Rajan Leila Farsakh Shahram Aryanfar
Cheryl Higashida Leila Seurat Shamik Sarkar
Chiara De Cesari Léna Guillot Sharad Chari
Chiara Tornaghi Lena Jayyusi Sharif Elmusa
Chilka Ghosh Lene Swetzer Sharri Plonski
Chris Kesteloot Leonardo A. Arias Alvarez Sheo Dutt
Chris Maughan Leslie Touré Kapo Sherah Faulkner
Christina Batle Levi Gahman Shuwen Zhou
Christopher Smith Levi Van Sant Sidra Khanam
Christy Petropoulou Liette Gilbert Siggie Vertommen
Cindi Katz Linda Martín Alcoff Silvia Pasquetti
Claire Bullen Linda Quiquivix Simin Tabrizi
Claire Felix Linn Biorklund Simone Tulumello
Clarice Kuhling Lioba Hirsch Sinan Antoon
Claudio Cattaneo Lisa Bhungalia Sinead D’Silva
Clayton Rosati Lisa Damon Siobhan McGrath
Clint Carroll Lisa Rofel Smadar Carmon
Colm Stockdale Liselot Casteleyn Sobhi Samour
Constantina Theodorou Livia Cahn Sobia Kaker
Costis Hadjimichalis Livia Jiménez Sedano Solange Munoz
Craig Jones Lora Altahrawi Somayeh Abdirad
Daanish Mustafa Lorenzo Marmo Somreeta Majumdar
Daiva Stasiulis Lorenzo Mauloni Sonali Bhatia
Daniel Gámez Lorna Houston Sonia Gulzeb Abbasi
Daniel Kent Carrasco Lucas Sebastián Worsdell Soohyung Hur
Daniel Kovalik Luci Attala Sophia Azeb
Daniel Olmos Luci Mitchell Sophia Ilyniak
Daniel Ramírez Corzo Luis Andueza Soumyajit Das
Danna Masad Luke A Hingtgen Souraya Ekhalaoui
Danny Dorling Luminita Mandache Srabani Chakraborty
Danny Haiphong Lungiswa Gqunta Sree Sanyal
Danya Al-Saleh Lydia Ladah Sreyashi Choudhury
Danya Nadar Lydia Pelot-Hobbs Srilata Sircar
Daoud Ghool M.C. Jamjachi Cerron Ståle Holgersen
Dave Knieter Madeline S. M. Lee Stefano Portelli
Dave McKee Mae de Monchy Stefano Portelli
David Butz Magdalini (Madeleine) Kechagia Stephanie Rutherford
David Harvey Maggi Leung Steve Graham
David Mario Comedi Magid Shihade Steven Harry
David Munoz Magie Ramírez Steven Tufts
Dean Phelan Maha Abdallah Steven Tufts
Deana Al-Ismail Maher al Charif Suchetana Chattopadhyay
Débora Leal Mahsa Sabaghi Suchetana Ghosh
Deborah Cowen Maimoona Abbas Mollah Sudeshna Chatterjee
Deepa Kumar Majd Hamad Suneetha A
Deirdre Prins-Solani Malek Abisaab Susan Buckingham
Dena Qaddumi Malini Ramganathan Suvi Lensu
Dennis Grammenos Manu Kant Swagata Biswas
Dennis Grammenos Manu Tapia Taha Zeinali
Deondre Smiles Manu V Devadevan Tahir Zaman
Derek Ruez Manuel Pardo Tania Toffanin
Desiree Fields Mar Gijón Tariq Dana
Diana Allan Marc Pradel Miquel Taro Futamura
Diana Negrin Márcio Vilar Ted Rutland
Diana Rodríguez Cala Marek Mikuš Temi Ajayi
Diego Andreucci Margara Millán Teresa Dirsuweit
Diego Martinez-Lugo Margaux Boisgontier Terri Ginsberg
Dimitris Pettas Margherita Tess Thanasis Tyrovolas
Dina Dahood M.C Díaz Rodríguez Thandi Gamedze
Dina Vaiou María E. Martin Valdunciel Thembi Luckett
Dom Nasilowski Maria Garcia Theodore Fox
Dror Dayan Maria J. Beltran Theresa Wigley
Dwiyanti Kusumaningrum Maria Karagianni Thiago Canettieri
Dyala Hamzah Maria Khristine Alvarez Thiruni Kelegama
Ebru Ustundag Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli Thom Willemse
Edgar Garcia Velozo Maria Rusca Tim Martin
Eduardo Augusto Garcia Braga Maria Vioque Ruiz Timothy Mitchell
Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola Marie Ruyffelaere Tom Rowe
Elaine Hsiao Marina Batlle Brugal Tom Western
Elena Basile Mario Novelli Tomaso Ferrando
Elena González Marion Werner Tony Marks-Block
Elena Trifan Mark Hunter Tulio Restrepo Echeverri
Eleni Fournaraki Mark Rhodes Tundé Adefioye
Eli Meyerhoff Markela Panegyres Ugo Rossi
Elia Apostolopoulou Marsha Rosengarten Ulises Moreno-Tabarez
Elina Moraitopoulou Marta Astier Umar Al Faruq
Elisabeth Skarðhamar Olsen Marta Mateos Revuelta Upasona Ghosh
Elise Hjalmarson Marta Novo V Geetha
Elizabeth Sibili Martin Danyluk Vafa Dianati
Elona Hoover Martin Janecek Valentina Carraro
Elsa Noterman Martina Vittoria Sottini Valeria Ysunza
Elybeth Sofia Alcantar Marv Waterstone Valerie De Craene
Eman Alasah Mary Ann Manahan Valerio della Sala
Emilie Wiehe Mary Ellen Davis Vanessa Dantas e Sá
Emilio Dabed Maryam HasanNejad Vasna Ramasar
Emilio Distretti Matt Binetti Veronica Conte
Emily Eaton Maureen Pritchard Veronica Lippencott
Emily Gilbert Maya Varichon Vi Grunvald
Emily Mitchell-Eaton Mayssoun Sukarieh Vibhuti Patel
Emily Yeh Mazen Zahi Arafat Vidya Spaey P. A.
Emmanuel Chidozie Mazin Qumsiyeh Vijay Kolinjivadi
Emmy de wit Megan Ybarra Vinay Gidwani
Eric Clark Megan Youdelis Vincent Wong
Éric Verdeil Mekonnen Tesfahuney Violeta Gutiérrez Zamora
Erik Swyngedouw Melania Brito Clavijo Wafaa Alijla
Erin Clancy Melanie McDermott Waquar Ahmed
Erin McElroy Melinda Zepeds Wilda Western
Erman Örsan Yetis Melissa García-Lamarca William Westgard-Cruice
Ersilia Verlinghieri Melissa M. Valle Wolfram Dressler
Esfandyar Torkaman Rad Melissa Moreano Venegas Xander Lenc
Eslam ElBahlawan Mercedes Arranz Lozano Xenia Katsigianni
Esmeralda A.Z. De los Santos Merlin Gillard Xenia laffely
Esra Alkim Karaagac Mia Dunphy Yanise Arab
Eugenia Siccardi Michael Black Yaser Mirdamadi
Eva L Barr Michael F. Mascolo Yavuz Yavuz
Eva Papatzani Michael Haldrup Yazan Badran
Evelina Gambino Michael Hiwistle Yazid Anani
Evelyn Harr Michael Mascarenhas Yewon Andrea Lee
Ezgi Güler Michael Watts Ylenia Olibet
Ezgican Ozdemir Michel Pimbert Yolanda Valencia
F Javier Dóniz Páez Michelle Assaad Yolanda Weima
Fabiane Pianowski Michelle Hartman Yosefa Loshitzky
Fabien Cante Miguel A. Martínez Youjin Chung
Fadi Ennab Miia Laine Yousuf Al-Bulushi
Fahimeh Fathali Lavasani Mike Healy Yusuf Ghani
Faiq Mari Mikko Joronen Z Park
Fanny Arnulf Milap Sharma Zahra Moloo
Farhan Anshary Milena Belloni Zaina Gadema
Farshad Fard Miriyam Aouragh Zara Zimbardo
Fatema Chandoo Mohamed El-Shewy Zillah Eisenstein
Fayrouz Yousfi Mohammad Abu Hammad Zoe Alexander
Felicity Callard Mohammadreza Modaraei Name Withheld
Felipe Montoya Mohammed Rafi Arefin Name Withheld
Femke Snelting Mohini DattaRay Name Withheld
Feras Hammami Moises Garduno Garcia Name Withheld
Fernando Sabaté-Bel Momen El-Husseiny Name Withheld
Ferran Izquierdo-Brichs Mona Baker Name Withheld
Feryal Awan Mosa Leteane Name Withheld
Fezile Sibanda Mouhad Reghif Name Withheld
Francesca Governa Mouma Dutta Name Withheld
Francesca Savoldi Mudassir Alloo Name Withheld
Francesco Amoruso Muhammad Zakeri Name Withheld
Francesco Della Puppa Muhannad Ayyash Name Withheld
Francesco Facchini Mustafa Uzuner Name Withheld
Francesco Sebregondi Mwangi Chege Name Withheld
Francesco Vacchiano Myriem Naji Name Withheld
Francis Russell Mythri Prasad-Aleyamma Name Withheld
Franck Bille Nabeela Ahmed Name Withheld
Frank Moulaert Nadia Abu-Zahra Name Withheld
Fraser Curry Nadia Arouri Name Withheld
Gabi Kirk Nadia Fadil Name Withheld
Gabriela Cuevas García Nadia Louis-Desmarchais Name Withheld
Gabrielle Fenton Nadia Naser-Najjab Name Withheld
Gamaal El Attar Nadia Silhi Chahin Name Withheld
Gargi Bhattacharyya Nadine Fattaleh Name Withheld
Gary Fields Naeme Isfahanian Name Withheld
Gautam Ganguly Nafise Kaviyan Name Withheld
Gediminas Lesutis Naga Kandiah Name Withheld
Gemma Simón i Mas Nahid Poureisa Name Withheld
Georgina McAllister Nahla Abdo Name Withheld
Gerardo Bocco Najet Zammouri Name Withheld
Germán A. Quimbayo Ruiz Najla Nakhlé-Cerruti Name Withheld
Gert Van Hecken Nalini Mohabir Name Withheld
Ghada Ageel Namie Esfahanian Name Withheld
Ghayur Bangash Nancy Ettlinger Name Withheld
Ghazan Ferullah Nandini Dhar Name Withheld
Gillian Hart Nasim Ramezani Name Withheld
Ginevra Montefusco Nasser Abourahme Name Withheld
Giorgos Velegrakis Natalie Oswin Name Withheld
Giovanni Bettini Natan De Coster Name Withheld
Gloria Fernandez-Mayoralas Natasha Heenan Name Withheld
Gökbörü Sarp Tanyıldız Nathalia Assaad Name Withheld
Gonzalo Gamboa Jiménez Naufal Rofi Indriansyah Name Withheld
Gorka Roman Etxebarrieta Naznin Juma Name Withheld
Greg Thomas Neelofer Qadir Name Withheld
Griet Juwet Nele Aernouts Name Withheld
Griffin Epstein Nerina Boursinou Name Withheld
Gustavo Garcia-Lopez Nevena Markovic Name Withheld
György Orsós Nian Paul Name Withheld
Habib Ayeb Nichola Khan Name Withheld
Haifa Saleh Nick Estes Name Withheld

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