Sep 23, 2014, Denis Kucinich, Huffington Post The administration’s response to the conjunction of this weekend’s People’s Climate March and the International Day of Peace? 1) Bomb Syria the following day, to wrest control of the oil from ISIS which gained its foothold directly in the region through the U.S., …
Read More »‘US seeks to target Syrian govt.’
Sep 24, 2014, Press TV The covert war on Syria has now finally exploded into the open, with US warplanes launching a blitzkrieg on the Arab country over night. Washington and its allies have now crossed a dangerous Rubicon, setting the stage for an all-out war on Syria under the …
Read More »Someone’s Already Fighting ISIS: The Syrian Arab Army
Sep 15, 2014, Tony Cartalucci Since 2011, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has waged a relentless war within Syrian territory against what it has said from the very beginning was an invasion of heavily armed, foreign-backed sectarian extremists. In retrospect, the transparently ludicrous nature of articles like the Guardian’s “Syria’s …
Read More »Who’s Your Daddy, ISIS?
Sep 17, 2014, Black Agenda Report Let us be clear, if that is possible, about President Obama’s plan to deal with ISIS, the boogeyman of America’s own making. The president last week swore that he would “degrade and destroy” the Islamic State, after having spent three years providing weapons and …
Read More »The U.S. Has Already Completed Regime Change In Syria (1949), Iran (1953), Iraq (Twice), Afghanistan (Twice), Turkey, Libya and Other Oil-Rich Countries
Sep 17, 2014, Washington’s Blog Syria Everyone knows that the U.S. and its allies have heavily backed Islamic terrorists in Syria in an attempt to implement regime change in that country. But did you know that the U.S. previously carried out regime change in Syria? The CIA backed a right-wing …
Read More »Now Through the Front Door into Syria
Sep 14, Jeremy Salt, Palestine Chronicle So finally the US gets what it wants, a war on Syria. Or should it be a war in Syria? Either way, another US-led attack that violates international law and, without the consent of Congress, probably domestic law as well. Syria has warned the …
Read More »Jewish State and Islamic State, Like Breeds Like
Sep 16, 2014, Palestine Chronicle By Ali Kazak Sixty-six years after the establishment of the “Jewish State” in the Middle East, the world is witnessing the establishment of an “Islamic State” with many similarities. Both states were established by extreme ideologies exploiting religion, both were accomplished by mainly foreign elements …
Read More »Looking for a Voice in Congress: Progressive Democrats Follow Obama to War in Syria
Sep 15, 2014, Counter Punch It’s nearly impossible to find an anti-war congressperson nowadays. A bi-partisan consensus exists for an expanded war in Iraq and Syria — from the “radical” socialist Bernie Sanders to Obama’s right-wing nemesis, John Boehner. So enthused was Boehner that he ordered Republicans back to D.C. …
Read More »“Going After” the Islamic State. Guess Who is Behind the Caliphate Project?
Sep 12, 2014, Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research The Islamic State (IS) is portrayed as an Enemy of America and the Western world. With the support of America’s indefectible British ally, President Barack Obama has ordered a series of US bombing raids on Iraq allegedly with a view to defeating the …
Read More »From Central America to: US Violations of International Law
Sep 11, 2014, Counter Punch -By Rick Sterling President Obama plans to increase funding and training of “moderate rebels” in Syria while escalating air strike operations against ISIS in Iraq and into Syria. From Central America in the 80s to Syria today, the US has supported proxy armies in violation …
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