Wednesday , September 18 2024
Palestine Update Resources

Axis ofResistance

Why Anti-Imperialists Must Defend Syria and the Axis of Resistance

by Richie Merino, published on Workers World, September 11, 2024 The anti-colonial struggle against U.S./Western imperialism and the Zionist settler state has long shaped the geopolitical dynamics of West Asia. Syria stands at the epicenter of this struggle as a vital member of the Axis of Resistance, a united front …

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Iran Decries Israel’s Deadly “Criminal Attack” in Syria

by Jake Johnson, published on Common Dreams, September 9, 2024 A spokesperson for Iran’s Foreign Ministry called on Israel’s allies to “stop supporting and arming it.” The Israeli military carried out a series of airstrikes on central Syria late Sunday, reportedly killing more than a dozen people and prompting a …

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Boiling the Israeli Frog in In Southwest Asia (video)

A lecture by Sharmine Narwani at the American University in Beirut, Posted by The Cradle, September 4, 2024 This talk really  helps with a understanding a lot of issues occurring in the “Middle East” at this time, so that many people who oppose the wars, oppose the occupation of Palestine …

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President Bashar al-Assad Addresses the New Syrian Parliament.

From Ken Stone, SSM FB Page, 25 August، 2024 Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad said that the People’s Assembly is the most important institution in the State’s institutions and its impact won’t be tangible if the development doesn’t be comprehensive for all institutions in light of the solid relation among …

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Terror in Syria: a US distraction from Gaza

by Khalil Nasrallah, published on The Cradle, May 30, 2024 Western-backed terrorist strongholds in Syria have not remained untouched by the Israeli military assault on Gaza. With the broad activation of the Axis of Resistance in support of Gaza, particularly in Lebanon, it didn’t take too long before Washington began …

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Strategic Setbacks for US, Israel as the Resistance Axis Gains Ground in Syria

by Khalil Nasrallah, published on the Cradle, May 14, 20224 Recent resistance operations in eastern Syria have established new rules of engagement that constrain both Washington and Tel Aviv’s once-untethered freedom to operate in this strategic theater. For several years, the presence of the region’s Axis of Resistance forces in …

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