Wednesday , March 26 2025
Palestine Update Resources

Mother Agnes’ Statement

1) I have no political statement to declare, I am not a politician; I am a mediator for Reconciliation.

2) I meet with all kinds of people from the loyalist and the opposition sides: with ministers, security officers, armed opposition leaders or popular committees militias). I have go from one place to another, many times under threat or danger, to negotiate with all of them for humanitarian issues to spare the bloodshed and to alleviate the conditions of besieged areas.

3) I mediate for the liberation of abductees and detainees. We try to help the different Syrian populations: Sunni, Shia, Christian, Alawite, Druze, etc. “I tell you that reconciliation is happening between the different factions of the Syrian people. Many armed leaders are meeting through the good offices of Mussalaha”.

4) The different factions (the Syrian administration and different opposition groups who are many times fighting against each other) want me to take side with them and denounce the others. I cannot take any side. I am not a politician, I am a cleric. I work for humanitarian needs and stand with the civilians. I am with the Syrian people. “It is so difficult to be in the middle. You are accused by all parties.” I denounce al kinds of genocide and killing from any party. I cannot accept the killing of any human being. Killing should stop and foreign fighters should leave Syria back to their country and supply of weapons should stop.

5) The Media mainly outside of Syria is against me. They accuse me of many things that I did not do or say. They pick some words from here and there and fabricate things. They put my humanitarian work in danger because the fighters read these words and become angry for things I did not say and positions I did not take.

6) I am compelled and invited to explain myself outside of Syria and I met with many different people of different views and persuaded them with evidence and with kindness and they changed their positions and joined us in supporting Mussalaha.

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