Tuesday , March 25 2025
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Obscuring the Details: A Panoramic Look at America’s Case Against Syria

‘Staged and scripted’: Mother Agnes finalizes chronology of Damascus chemical attack

The Ghouta Chemical Attacks: US-Backed False Flag? Killing Syrian Children to Justify a “Humanitarian” Military Intervention

The Ghouta chemical attack: Where are the missing children?

Mother Agnes Mariam: Exposing the Syrian Chemical Hoax

How the Syrian Chemical Weapons Videos Were Staged

The Chemical Attacks in East Ghouta Used to Justify a Military Intervention in Syria [The Full ISTeam Report]

Saudi Arabia’s “Chemical Bandar” behind the Chemical Attacks in Syria?

One Nun Puts the US Intel Community to Shame Over “Stage-Managed” Syria Footage

Syria: Fabricating Chemical Lies. Who is Behind the East Ghouta Attacks?

The Sellstrom Report: The United Nations’ Syria Inspector Shills for NATO and Israel

The Syria Chemical Weapons Attack: Human Rights Watch is Manipulating the Facts 

U.S. Military Confirms Rebels Had Sarin

Syria: Controversy surrounding MintPress Chemical Weapons Ghouta Report

UN Report on Ghouta Gas Incident Points to Evidence Tampering, not Syrian Culpability

To some, US case for Syrian gas attack, strike has too many holes

CW Expert Opinion on the UN Report on Syria

Israel’s History Of Chemical Weapons Use

Israel Refuses to Ratify Treaty Barring Chemical Weapons

Israel’s Secret Nuclear Biological and Chemical Weapons (NBC)



Peace in Syria–Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate

Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East” 

Greek Orthodox Archbishop Atallah Hanna: “We reject any aggression on Syria”

Archbishop Atallah Hanna, Sydney, Australia  



US Planned Syrian Civilian Catastrophe Since 2007

Continuity of Agenda: Syria Catastrophe Engineered Under Bush, Executed Verbatim Under Obama

Working Together Separately

Is the US Playing With Gas in Syria?

Oil and Gas find offshore Syria motive for US Israeli mercenary uprising and bloodshed in Syria

Pipeline Politics and the Syrian War

Rania Masri and Chris Hedges On Obama’s Syria Address

The Countries Pulling the Strings in the Syrian “Civil War”



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