Tuesday , March 25 2025
Palestine Update Resources

Do You Know?

1. How many Syrians have become casualties of the conflict since it began in March, 2011?

At least 115,000 Syrians died due to fighting as of Oct. 17, 2013.

Source: Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (an opposition group) http://news.yahoo.com/more-115-000-killed-syrian-conflict-monitoring-group-125005873.html;_ylt=A2KJ3CUqCExS4AwAuX3_wgt.


2. How many of the casualties are civilians?

Approximately 41,000.

Source: Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (an opposition group) http://news.yahoo.com/more-115-000-killed-syrian-conflict-monitoring-group-125005873.html;_ylt=A2KJ3CUqCExS4AwAuX3_wgt.


3. How many of the casualties are government fighters?

Approximately 47,000.

Source: Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (an opposition group) http://news.yahoo.com/more-115-000-killed-syrian-conflict-monitoring-group-125005873.html;_ylt=A2KJ3CUqCExS4AwAuX3_wgt.


4. How many of the casualties are opposition fighters?

Approximately 21,000.  (3,000 casualties are uncategorized.)

Source: Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (an opposition group) http://news.yahoo.com/more-115-000-killed-syrian-conflict-monitoring-group-125005873.html;_ylt=A2KJ3CUqCExS4AwAuX3_wgt.


5. What percentage of Syrians supports the Syrian government?

A clear majority of Syrians actually support the government.

The last polls taken suggest that 55% to 70% of Syrian people want to see Bashar Al-Assad remain in government.

Support for the government has certainly also increased since the last poll was taken due to disillusionment with the foreign elements in the rebel alliance.

The best available figures suggest that around 10% of Syrians support the armed opposition.

This support though has decreased since the last polls were taken due to disillusionment with foreign elements in the rebel alliance.








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