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Palestine Update Resources

5 November 2015 • SNAG #8


Thank you to all who donated, but we collected only $410 dollars and we need $3000 immediately.  It’s not that much if we all help.  Please donate here.

IN SYRIA ……………
* US troops in Syria …. confusion and double-talk over the role

* Russian air defense deployed in parallel with aircraft

* Battle for control of strategic town on M5 highway continues.

* NY Times almost justifies placement of civilians in cages in opposition held Douma

* Doctors without Borders Accuses Syrian government of targeting hospitals but note the fine print:  they have NO staff on site. They are apparently relying completely on ‘rebel’ reports.

* A previous example of opposition propaganda receives increasing attention due to Robt Stuart’s persistence and dedication.

IN REGION …………….. 
* Question: is it credible that AKP increased vote count by 4.8 Million votes (25%) between the June and November elections?  See details at:
* Putin gives clear and forthright overview on Syria at conference  “New World Order: New Rules or No Rules?”

Syria News and Analysis Gazette (SNAG) is a weekly email with a small selection of articles and videos about the conflict in Syria. We aim to bring significant news items that might not be seen as well as the words and actions of various players in the conflict.
Send comments and suggestions to
The Syria Solidarity Movement

PLEASE NOTE:  A group in the UK is illegally using our name and also recommending illegal actions against Syria.  We are pursuing legal remedy to compel them to stop using our name, but the process is slow. Please be aware of this problem.  Your donations to help with our effort are gratefully appreciated.

Please visit our website for breaking stories and analysis:
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