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Palestine Update Resources

5 October 2015 • SNAG #4

2. The major competitor to AKP in Turkey, the Republican People’s Party (CHP) announces their foreign policy:  they will talk with Damascus and end the “train and equip” policy which is “against international law and neighborhood relations”.

3.  HRW and White Helmets escalate propaganda at the UN.

4. Good analysis of Russian involvement and options for US by Ray McGovern:
5. Russian MIG-29 “locks on”  Turkish jet for 5 minutes.   Russia sending message that Turkish impunity is over?

6. Obama distances himself from Clinton’s call for NFZ:

Syria News and Analysis Gazette (SNAG) is a weekly email with a small selection of articles and videos about the conflict in Syria. The goal is to provide the reader with news about what’s going on and what the enemies of Syria are doing and saying.
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