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Tag Archives: Syrian War

Syria: Don’t Stab the Cradle of Civilisation Three Times in a Row!

by Makram Koury-Machool, published in Al Mayadeen English, February 6, 2023 At this highly crucial moment we need to act morally and minimise suffering as a matter of urgency, otherwise, those who initiated the war against Syria, supported terrorism, and imposed sanctions, will be brutally killing the same nation three …

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The Real International Community Must Call for an End to the Illegal and Genocidal US Sanctions on Syria

by Feroz Mithiborwala, published on Countercurrents, January 21, 2023 The US continues to wage war upon the nations of the world by resorting to imposing economic sanctions. These sanctions are a continuation of war by other means, and the world has been witness to the disastrous and genocidal consequences of …

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‘Isis Bride’ Returns to Canada

 by Ken Stone, published on The Canada Files, November 6, 2022 Kimberley Polman, a native of Hamilton, Ontario, returned to Canada recently after having secretly travelled to Syria in 2015 to marry an ISIS fighter (a member of the armed terrorist group styling itself as the Islamic State in Iraq …

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