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Palestine Update Resources

Interview with Zafar Bangash [AUDIO]

Sep 29, 2014, Taylor Report

Zafar Bangash discusses the hypocrisy of US policy in Iraq and Syria. He also probes the nature of the Saudi-funded opposition in Syria, who in their extensive brutality and war crimes, violate Islamic law. Turkey’s attempt to create a no-fly-zone over Syria is also mentioned.

In the May election, Syrian refugees jammed the highways to vote for President Assad, whom they see as the only hope against the terrorist invasion. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is losing influence as Iraq moves closer to Iran.

Phil Taylor and Zafar Bangash emphasize that the US did not supply Iraq with military airplanes because the US did not want Iraq to be able to defend itself. If Iraq had an effective air force, they would have been able to stop ISIS from occupying parts of Iraq.

They also noted the irony of Israel helping ISIS with military and medical support. Israel prefers ISIS rather than Syrian control of the Golan Heights.

**click HERE to listen

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