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SSM Responds to the Third OPCW Report on Douma

The OPCW Third Report on Douma would make Joseph Goebbels proud

“A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth”
Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Party Minister of Information in the Adolph Hitler Regime

On January 27, 2023, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons issued its third report on its investigation of the use of chemical weapons in Douma, Syria on April 7, 2018. Its conclusion was once again that chlorine weapons were used and that the Syrian Air Force had used them on Syrian civilians. Both of these conclusions were contradicted by its own team of investigators sent to gather the evidence, but the OPCW produced a lie because that is what the US and its henchmen required.

The war in Syria was a US proxy war.  When US President Barack Obama vowed in 2012 not to use military force in Syria he included a caveat – a “red line” – that only usage of chemical weapons by Syria could change his mind. It was a strange exception. Syria had never used chemical weapons at any time in its history, nor even threatened to do so. So what made Obama even think of it?

The reason became apparent in 2013, when such weapons were first used there. UN weapons inspectors were sent to verify this fact, and they did, but Carla del Ponte, who was Director of the UN Commission of Inquiry, pointed out that the investigators were specifically prohibited by the UN from including any mention of who might have used such weapons – a legalistic condition leaving the assessment of criminality to the jurisdiction of courts.

Nevertheless, she unofficially volunteered the opinion that, based on the chemical composition and the circumstances of use, the poison gas was not of Syrian origin. In other words, it could only have been a false flag use, designed to provide a pretext for US intervention, reminiscent of fake Weapons of Mass Destruction that justified the invasion of Iraq, the fake Tonkin Gulf attack used to justify the bombing of North Vietnam, and other fake pretexts for war.

It was a clumsy attempt, as were subsequent fake attacks, because they occurred only when Syria was about to win an important battle. In such cases chemical weapons were useless because they made no difference to the outcome, and only increased the likelihood of US missile attacks. Furthermore, the only victims ever found were civilians. On the other hand it explains why the losing forces might want to create false flag operations so as to bring about US air strikes against the Syrian government forces.

But the OPCW account of the 2018 Douma attack did not even verify that chemical weapons were used or that the bodies laid out at the scene had been killed by such means. In fact, the difference between what the inspectors found and what was stated in the report was so great that at least two of the inspectors tried to have the report overturned, resulting in the loss their careers and risk of legal action against them.

The dissident OPCW inspectors report that three anonymous US officials sat in on one of their meetings with their Director.

The US knows how to get what it wants. In March, 2002, the first Director of the OPCW, José Bustani refused to  assume that Iraq had WMDs, preferring to initiate inspection and investigation. In fact, In March, 2002, Bustani had negotiated with Saddam Hussein to allow OPCW inspectors to make unannounced visits to Iraq which would have undermined justification for the US invasion.  He reports that he was then approached by US Under Secretary of State John Bolton and told, “You have 24 hours to leave the organization, and if you don’t comply with this decision by Washington, we have ways to retaliate against you. We know where your kids live. You have two sons in New York.”  Bustani  was subsequently removed from his position as Director of the OPCW prior to its supporting WMD claims that initiated the Iraq war.

Why would the OPCW issue fake reports?  Because that is what the US needed to justify the use of military force in Syria, that’s why.

The Syria Solidarity Movement® categorically rejects the absurd conclusions of all OPCW official reports on the use of chlorine gas in Douma, where the chlorine at the scene is consistent with nothing more than household bleach and where the bodies of the supposed victims were never examined by anyone other than the terrorist government themselves.  No evidence was presented as to who they were, where they came from. Today the OPCW is nothing more than a puppet in the hands of thugs and murderers.

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